Testing Bing Copilot, Google Gemini and Perplexity about videoes.

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Testing Bing Copilot, Google Gemini and Perplexity about videoes.

Post by KBleivik »

Prompt to all three:

Can you read video content

1. Bing's answer:
I can't directly read or analyze video content. However, if you have a video, you can describe its contents or key points, and I can help you with that information. If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!
2. Gemini's answer:
I can't directly "read" video content in the sense of watching and understanding it like a human.

However, I can process and understand information related to videos:

Transcripts: If a video has a transcript (text version of the spoken words), I can analyze that text. I can answer questions about the transcript, summarize it, translate it, and more.
Captions: Similar to transcripts, I can process captions to understand the video's content.
Metadata: I can access and process information about a video, such as its title, description, tags, and upload date.
Emerging Technologies:

Video Understanding AI: Research is ongoing in developing AI models that can understand and analyze video content more comprehensively. These models may eventually be able to:
Recognize objects and people in videos.
Understand the actions and events happening in videos.
Generate summaries or descriptions of videos.
In Summary:

While I can't directly "watch" videos, I can process and understand information related to them, such as transcripts, captions, and metadata. This allows me to provide information and answer questions about videos in a limited way.

Disclaimer: The capabilities of AI are constantly evolving. This information may become outdated as new technologies emerge.

3. Perplexitys answer:
I apologize, but I do not have the ability to directly read, view, or analyze video content. I am an AI language model trained on text data, without capabilities for processing audio, video, or images. My knowledge comes from text-based training data, and I can only interact through text conversations.
Additional prompt to Gemini:

You gave another answer when I asked in Norwegian
You're right, I seem to have given a slightly different answer when you asked the question in Norwegian.

My apologies for any confusion this may have caused. I am still under development and learning to be more consistent in my responses across different languages.

Essentially, both answers convey the same core message: I can't directly "watch" and understand videos like humans do, but I can process information related to them, such as transcripts, captions, and metadata.

I am always learning and improving, and I appreciate you bringing this inconsistency to my attention. It helps me become a better language model.

Do you have any other questions about how I can help you with videos or anything else? I'm here to assist you in the best way possible.
Prompt in Norwegian to Gemini:

Så du kan diskutere innholde i disse to videoene med meg ("So you can discuss the content in these two videoes with me")

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOsDZNO-jmc

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Emij12M_c
Selvfølgelig! Her er en kort oppsummering av videoene:

**Video 1: Sam Altman hints AI's next major breakthrough is within reach**

* OpenAI-sjefen Sam Altman mener at et av de mest betydningsfulle AI-gjennombruddene kan komme raskere enn de fleste tror.
* Han har definert det kritiske milepælet AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) og hevdet at OpenAI vil være først.
* Nylige fremskritt innen AI-resonnering, som de som er sett i OpenAIs GPT-3-modell, har drevet denne debatten ved å vise tidlige tegn på bredere intelligens.
* Dette har ført til diskusjoner om neste milepæl, superintelligens (ASI).
* Altman ser nå ut til å posisjonere seg som leder i visjonen om superintelligens, på samme måte som han gjorde med generativ AI og ChatGPT.
* I videoen diskuteres også OpenAIs forhold til Microsoft og hvordan de kan komme til å endre avtalen sin for å få tilgang til mer investering for å nå AGI og ASI.

**Video 2: Sam Altman on AI, AGI, and the Future of Humanity**

* Videoen diskuterer Sam Altmans tweet om å være "near the singularity," som utløste en masse diskusjon i AI-miljøet.
* Videoen forklarer begrepet singularitet, et hypotetisk punkt i fremtiden der teknologisk vekst blir ukontrollerbar og irreversibel, ofte assosiert med utviklingen av superintelligent AI.
* Videoen utforsker også ideen om en "slow takeoff" for AI-utvikling, som anses som tryggere enn en "fast takeoff" da det gir samfunnet mer tid til å tilpasse seg endringene som kommer med avansert AI.
* Videoen dykker deretter ned i simuleringhypotesen, en filosofisk idé som antyder at vår virkelighet kan være en datasimulering skapt av en avansert sivilisasjon.
* Til slutt diskuterer videoen implikasjonene av disse ideene og den potensielle innvirkningen av avansert AI på samfunnet, inkludert jobbfortrengning og behovet for nye økonomiske modeller.
* Videoen konkluderer med å understreke viktigheten av å forstå de potensielle konsekvensene av AI-utvikling og behovet for forsiktig planlegging og regulering for å sikre en trygg og gunstig fremtid for menneskeheten.

Håper dette er nyttig!
http://googleusercontent.com/youtube_content/7 http://googleusercontent.com/youtube_content/8
Last prompt to all three that I give as an excercise.

So you are far from GAI and ASI if it ever gets a reality, seems like science fiction

I only paste Bing copilot's answer since that bot gave the answer that I personally liked best.
Absolutely, the concepts of General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) are still largely within the realm of science fiction. Current AI, including myself, falls under Narrow AI, which means we are designed to perform specific tasks and assist with particular queries.

GAI would involve an AI that possesses human-like cognitive abilities across a wide range of tasks, while ASI would surpass human intelligence in all aspects. Achieving these levels of intelligence involves numerous technical, ethical, and philosophical challenges that we have yet to fully address.

For now, I can assist with a variety of tasks, provide information, and engage in interesting conversations. The future of AI is indeed fascinating, and it's an ongoing journey of discovery and development. If you have any more questions or need assistance with something specific, I'm here to help!
1. Which answer did you like best?
2. Did you ask other bots like ChatGPT?
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