P/E = PE = 3.92
PEGY = PE / GY = PE / (Growth rate + Yield)
With a PE of 3.92 and yield og 4,44% solve for the growth rate that make PEGY == 1. In other words solve the equation
1 = 3.92/(4.44 + x) where x = growth rate.
Source: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-Gene ... -Soar.htmlThe EU Drafts a New Definition of Green that includes nuclear and natural gas.
In a nutshell, Eu claim that gas can be green energy with a technology that is not yet available. The gas must be mixed with hydrogen, so the gas plant can be transformed to a hydrogen plant in 2035.
Alf Ole Ask says that it is impossible to phase out coal unless gas and nuclear power is used in a transition to a sustainable green economy. This is as he says controversial.
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https://energiogklima.no/nyhet/brussel/ ... nes-i-dag/
https://www.cappelendamm.no/forfattere/ ... scid:38867