Fortum | Eu redefining gas and nuclear as sustainable.

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Fortum | Eu redefining gas and nuclear as sustainable.

Post by KBleivik »

Fortum Oyj is a Finnish energy company that operates power plants, which use renewable energy sources (hydro, nuclear, and solar power) to sell electricity, heat, cooling, and power products and services. In September 2011 Fortum signed an agreement with Rosatom and British Rolls-Royce Engines to develop nuclear power. Fortum is a yield company with (numbers as of january 11 2022):

P/E = PE = 3.92
PEGY = PE / GY = PE / (Growth rate + Yield)

With a PE of 3.92 and yield og 4,44% solve for the growth rate that make PEGY == 1. In other words solve the equation

1 = 3.92/(4.44 + x) where x = growth rate.
The EU Drafts a New Definition of Green that includes nuclear and natural gas.
Source: ... -Soar.html

In a nutshell, Eu claim that gas can be green energy with a technology that is not yet available. The gas must be mixed with hydrogen, so the gas plant can be transformed to a hydrogen plant in 2035.

Alf Ole Ask says that it is impossible to phase out coal unless gas and nuclear power is used in a transition to a sustainable green economy. This is as he says controversial.

Semantic links.

Use a transaltion service ... nes-i-dag/ ... scid:38867
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