Read the rules carefully before you post.

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Posts: 258
Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:34 am

Read the rules carefully before you post.

Post by KBleivik »

Disclaimer. The owner of this forum owns some of the stocks discussed in different posts. Because of profittaking, some stocks are sold out and others bought. Ask on the forum if you will know if a SPECIFIC stock is owned at a SPECIFIC time.

1. Norwegian law. It takes time to moderate a bulletin board / forum. For that reason we use the following rule: We deny everything that we do not explicitly allow according to these rules. If you haven't heard about the semantic web, ask a chatbot. Insemantic posts (that includes posts posted in a wrong subforum) will be deleted without argument. We are very strict on the language of this board. If you are in doubt, it is American / English. Posts with a heading in another language will not be opened, the member deleted and the IP banned. This bulletin board (BB) is driven by phpBB and not meant to be a social network like facebook. The message is the vital information and it shall not drown in spam. It is forbidden and may be illegal to ask for and give insider information on this forum. This forum is so strictly moderated that an off topic post (in another language than English) will result in your IP being blocked, your membership and the post deleted. Exceptions can be made for valued members that has an importent article in an other language and tell you to use a translation service.
2. All posts must be in English, posts in other languages will be deleted and your ip banned since more than 95 % of posts in other languages are spam. Most forum spammers have links in their posts. We deny links in posts and the signature for new members. Since this is marked in red, you have not read the rules if you post links in your posts and / or signature. To make a signature with links to legal sites, you need to become a registered user and valued member. That depends on how many approved posts you have made, at least 10. We only allow three links to legal sites in your profile once we ragard you as a member THAT BRINGS VALUE TO THE BOARD. One or more of them can be (social) links on your bio page, so in theory you may indirectly have an infinite number of links in your profile. But you need to be a member that brings value to the forum through your contribution.

The format of a link if you are allowed to post links is as follows.

Left bracket = URL] Anchor text [/url]

You get the structure if you click on the link icon in the editor.

Other forms of forum spamming, e.g. excessive multiple posting, that is, the repeated posting of a message (or substantially similar messages) will not be tolerated. Self promotion, or obscure information, that do not have a specific topic, and do not contain enough information for readers to respond will be deleted. A person only signing up, visiting the same date and not returning may be deleted after a while.
3. Free posting under responsibility. Do not get personal. Stick to the subject. Personal attacks will be deleted without argument, and you may be banned from the forum. Note, professional disagreement is not a personal attack and a professional discussion may feel hard to somebody. But be polite, even if the discussion is hard, and you are a winner in our view. Humor is good, but bad humor (again our judgment) on behalf of other members may be regarded as a personal attack. Especially if a lot of members go against another member, even if that member started, be careful with your words. Try to understand cultural differences. People from some countries may tolerate and stand more than other members. Especially, for that reason, we look for moderators outside the Christian Western world that understand these cultures better than us.

In these days of generative AI and ChatBOTS there is a simple solution. If you are very angry or frustrated and want to post an answer, comment or a new post, think of it for some time before you post, write the post and ask a chatbot to rewrite the message in a polite tone. You may be surprised of the answer. In that way you can use AI to calm you down that at the end of the day is good for the discussion and the forum / board.
4. Since this is a professional business forum, no politics, sexual, religious and hatred posts will be tolerated. Go to other forums if you want to discuss such topics. That does not imply that it is unimportant to discuss such topics, but we do not take the time, burden and work to moderate such topics in this forum. See rule 1 if you are in doubt.
5. Off topic or wrongly posted posts will be deleted without argument. Duplicate/redundant threads will be deleted.
6. Your topic must have a clear subject, so that a reader will know what your thread is about. Please use keywords in your subjects that will allow other users to search for your topic easily and the search engines to index it on relevant words and topics. In that way you may increase traffic to your posts. Do a search to make sure your topic hasn't been discussed already e.g. by the following search:


That can eliminate a lot of unnecessary posting.
7. People of any religion, country, sex and minority group are welcome if you stick to the rules.
8. You may be banned for a week or longer if we have strong evidence that you have a hidden agenda and do not express your professional meaning on a subject. Trying to flatter moderators and site admins is an obvious example of a hidden agenda.
9. The forum do not have the responsibility for what members post. We do not have time to moderate all posts.
10. Your posts belong to the forum and will be stored in a database as long as the forum exists.
11. By registering and posting on this forum, you agree to abide by all these rules.
12. Some forums that use phpBB have had problems when a member unsubscribes from the forum. The person may still get emails from the forum. There are a simple solution to this problem. Change your forum email address to one you never use or to an email service like e.g. Hotmail, where you only get emails from persons on your list. You have to confirm the change of email before you remove the address from this list.

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